Sediment Provenance Studies in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production
Sediment provenance studies concern the origin, composition, transportation and deposition of detritus and therefore are an important part of understanding the links between basinal sedimentation, and hinterland tectonics and unroofing. Such studies can add value at many stages of hydrocarbon exploitation, from identifying regional-scale crustal affinities and sediment dispersal patterns during the earliest stages of exploration, to detailed correlation in producing reservoirs and understanding the impact of mineralogy on reservoir diagenesis.
The volume showcases the wide variety of techniques available, using examples and applications from all aspects of sediment provenance research. The papers are organized into four sets around the following themes:
Overview: applications of provenance information in hydrocarbon reservoir sandstones
Provenance, diagenesis and reservoir quality
Provenance studies linking sediment to source
Looking forward: development of techniques and data handling
This book is dedicated to the memory of Maria Mange and Robert A. Scott.
Using detrital garnet compositions to determine provenance: A new compositional database and procedure
Published:January 01, 2014
Simon M. Suggate, Robert Hall, 2014. "Using detrital garnet compositions to determine provenance: A new compositional database and procedure", Sediment Provenance Studies in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production, R. A. Scott, H. R. Smyth, A. C. Morton, N. Richardson
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Detrital garnet compositions can be used to help determine the provenance of sedimentary rocks. In this study a garnet compositional database consisting of more than 2500 wet chemical and electron microprobe analyses was compiled from the literature. For the garnets in the database the six principal garnet end-member compositions (pyrope, almandine, spessartine, uvarovite, grossular and andradite) were calculated. A multi-stage methodology was devised to match garnet compositions to source rocks, and a series of garnet provenance fields on ternary plots were identified. The method was tested using compositional data from detrital garnet studies in several areas where provenance has already been identified, with good results. The methodology was then used to assess the provenance of detrital garnets from Neogene sandstones of northern Sabah, Borneo for which provenance is unknown and in a region where there are few garnet analyses for comparison. Comparison of garnet compositions from possible sources on Palawan, Philippines and in Borneo combined with the ternary plots excludes some known garnet-bearing rocks as potential sources and suggests derivation of metamorphic and igneous garnets from Palawan during the Early Miocene.
The compositional database and garnet data plotting spreadsheets are available at