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The AVHotRR routine has been in operation since 2006 to process satellite data for monitoring active volcanoes in the Mediterranean area. Although originally developed to work with advanced very high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) data, AVHotRR has been developed over the years to adapt to other sensors. In this work we present an improved version of the algorithm for hot-spot detection and effusion rate estimate. The underlying principles upon which the algorithm is based are discussed, focusing on the enhancements. The currently implemented version makes it possible to integrate results from different datasets in order to better constrain the detection of volcanic hot spots. In particular, the high temporal resolution of the SEVIRI instrument aboard MSG is key to reducing false positives in AVHRR and moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer MODIS images. We propose here a new detection method based on the wavelet transform of SEVIRI data. Results from the application of AVHotRR to a dataset of AVHRR and SEVIRI images from Mt Etna, Italy, are presented and discussed with reference to the advantages and limitations of the algorithm.

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