Introductory Statement

For some years there has been a growing feeling among those who have given the subject consideration, that the peculiar structures found in many meteoric stones are due not to hasty crystallization from a molten magma, as has been argued by some, but rather to an origin through the metamorphism of tuffaceous materials. Statements to this effect, however, with the exception of those of Berwerth, Linck, Renard, Tschermak, and Wahl, noted below, have been given largely as matters of opinion, without a systematic presentation of the evidence pro and con. It is proposed here to bring together for record some of the more important data bearing on the subject and supplement them by results gained through my own studies.

To one at all versed in the study of meteorites, it is not necessary to remark that the existing structural features, both those of the constituent minerals and the . . .

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