In this paper it is my purpose to describe certain features of considerable size which are distinctive and seem clearly to be made by winderosion. Although they have long been known to explorers of deserts, they have not received from geomorphologists the attention they deserve.

The erosive activity of the wind has two aspects—which are commonly, although not universally, distinguished as abrasion, or grinding, and deflation, or blowing away. Locally these two processes co-operate to bring about a joint result, but deflation also functions largely without the aid of abrasion by picking up loose dust and sand and sweeping them away. The condition is analogous to the relation between stream abrasion and transportation.

Distinctive land forms carved out by the wind are apparently rare, for they have been reported by only a few observers. They consist essentially of round bottomed chutes, or troughs, separated by sharp ridges . . .

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