Stratigraphers in the 19th and early 20th Centuries devoted considerable attention to the Mississippian clastic rocks of central Ohio. Their concerns were primarily with lithologic description, boundary determination, and the taxonomy of the included fauna. More detailed studies along the same lines of inquiry have been undertaken in the last few decades (Szmuc, 1953, 1957, 1970; Franklin, 1961; Fagadu, 1952; Barclay, 1968; Pinker, 1970)
Several authors (Holden, 1942; Ver Steeg, 1947; Hyde, 1953) have made significant contributions to current understanding of paleoenvironments during the Mississippian of central Ohio. A regional synthesis of stratigraphic sections leads to the conclusion that the extensive clastic units of the Cuyahoga Formation were initially deposited along a prograding shoreline which advanced over a stable platform. Subsequently, during deposition of the Logan Formation, the marine transgression was punctuated by coarse-sediment incursion during deposition of the Allensville Member, followed by distribution of the finer-grained Vinton sediments over the complex.