Since the time of the Cæsars “something new” has ever been coming “out of Africa.” Nowadays geologists are there finding novelties, impressive, even spectacular, and each one thought-provoking. The Great Rift and volcanoes of the east, the Atlas structures of the north, the igneous rocks of the west, the remarkable copper deposits of Katanga in the center, and in the south the Rhodesian “Great Dike,” the clear evidences of Carboniferous glaciation, the unexcelled display of dolerite sills, the unique Vredefort dome, the dominating gold and diamond mines, the recent demonstration of widespread platinum-bearing rocks—all these and many other newer discoveries in Africa are affecting the very foundations of general and economic geology. Not the least of the finds is the amazing body of igneous rocks called the Bushveld Complex, in the Transvaal. Molengraaff, Henderson, Kynaston, Mellor, Humphrey, Hall, Wagner, and du Toit have published the results of study . . .