Early Views on the Stratigraphy of Vermont

The occurrence of serpentine and associated minerals was early known to the pioneer geologists of Vermont. In the report prepared by Professor Edward Hitchcock and his co-workers (1861) frequent mention is made of them, and it is stated that in many instances more or less asbestos and talc, in several varietal forms, are to be found. While considerable preliminary prospecting was carried on in the early seventies, no industry of any moment was established until a comparatively late date.

According to the observations of Professor Hitchcock, the serpentine formations are very largely confined to a broad band of so-called talcose schists which enters Vermont on the north in Orleans county. At the northern boundary of the state the schist belt has a maximum width of some 15 miles, with its eastern limit near the western shore of lake Memphramagog. This series of metamorphics . . .

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