Orogenic gold deposits are currently the world’s major source of Au, but uncertainty exists in the timing of mineralization relative to the ages of host rocks, metamorphism, and magmatism. Consequently, the origin and detailed evolution of ore-forming fluids have long been elusive. Apatite occurs widespread in various types of mineral deposits and can provide valuable information on ore genesis. Here, we present textural, high-precision in situ U-Pb geochronological, trace elements, and Sr isotope data for metamorphic and hydrothermal apatite in the Shuangqishan gold deposit in southeastern China. These data, together with U-Pb dates of metavolcanic host rocks, granitic and mafic intrusive rocks, allow us to precisely constrain the timing of mineralization and reconstruct the history of the ore-forming fluids there. The apatite crystals within metamorphic and auriferous quartz veins can be grouped into three generations according to cathodoluminescence imaging and trace element concentrations: Ap1 precipitated in the pre-mineralization metamorphic stage, whereas Ap2 and Ap3 formed in the auriferous hydrothermal stage. Metamorphic Ap1 displays a negative Eu anomaly, indicating a predominance of Eu2+ and crystallization under relatively reduced conditions. On the other hand, syn-gold hydrothermal Ap2 and Ap3 have marked positive Eu anomalies. Radiometric ages for metamorphic Ap1 are at ca. 461 Ma, whereas hydrothermal Ap2 and xenotime from auriferous quartz gave U-Pb ages of 425 ± 15 Ma and 416 ± 15 Ma, interpreted as the time of gold mineralization. Emplacement ages determined by U-Pb zircon data are 439 ± 2 Ma for granitic intrusion and 427 ± 2 Ma for a mafic dike in the mining district. Mineralization, therefore, postdates the metamorphism of local host rocks and granitic magmatism by ~35 ± 24 m.y. and ~14 ± 17 m.y., respectively. The synchronism of gold genesis and mafic magmatism provides additional evidence for a mantle derivation of the ore-forming fluids. The highly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios obtained for Ap1 (0.7178–0.7302) are consistent with its precipitation from a metamorphic fluid. Higher Sr concentrations (Ap2 = 1228–2884 ppm, Ap3 = 2325–3169 ppm) and positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*: Ap2 = 1.03–2.84, Ap3 = 2.00–4.30) but lower and variable 87Sr/86Sr ratios in hydrothermal Ap2 (0.7100–0.7165) and Ap3 (0.7086–0.7116) are mainly ascribed to extensive fluid-wall rock exchange of Sr during mineralization. It is therefore suggested that fluid-rock reaction played a vital role in the observed positive Eu anomalies of hydrothermal apatite. Our study highlights the usefulness of apatite as a novel and robust geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic indicator of complex mineralization processes in hydrothermal gold deposits.