New trace-element, radiogenic Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic and geochronological data from Middle-Late Cretaceous Zagros ophiolites of Iran give new insights into the tectono-magmatic history of these supra-subduction zone (SSZ)-type ophiolites. The distribution of Middle-Late Cretaceous SSZ-type ophiolites in Iran comprises two parallel belts: (1) the outer Zagros ophiolitic belt and (2) the inner Zagros ophiolitic belt. These Middle-Late Cretaceous ophiolites were generated by seafloor spreading in what became the fore-arc and back-arc during the subduction initiation event and now define a ~3000-km-long belt from Cyprus to Turkey, Syria, Iran, the UAE, and Oman. The Zagros ophiolites contain complete (if disrupted) mantle and crustal sequences. Mantle sequences from both outer-belt and inner-belt ophiolites are dominated by dunites, harzburgites, and lherzolites with minor chromitite lenses. Peridotites are also intruded by gabbros and a variety of mafic to minor felsic (plagiogranite and dacite) dikes. Crustal rocks comprise ultramafic-mafic cumulates as well as isotropic gabbros, sheeted dike complexes, pillowed and massive lavas, and felsic rocks. Our new zircon U-Pb ages indicate that the outer-belt and inner-belt ophiolites formed near coevally during the Middle-Late Cretaceous; 100–96 Ma for the outer belt and 105–94 Ma for the inner belt. Both incompatible-element ratios and isotopic data confirm that depleted mantle and variable contributions of subduction components were involved in the genesis of outer-belt and inner-belt rocks. Our data for the outer belt and inner belt along with those from better-studied ophiolites in Cyprus, Turkey, the UAE, and Oman lead to the conclusion that a broad, ~3000-km-long swath of fore-arc lithosphere was created during Middle-Late Cretaceous time.

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