Evidence is presented for the crystallization age (ca. 1066–1033 Ma) and origin of the Lyon Mountain Granite (formerly Lyon Mountain Gneiss), a widespread magnetite-bearing leucogranitic igneous suite in the Adirondack Highlands. Recent reinterpretations of U-Pb zircon results have led some to propose that the Lyon Mountain Granite was intruded synchronously with the Shawinigan anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite (AMCG) suite at ca. 1165–1145 Ma. However, this interpretation conflicts with the recognized chronology of the region based on field and analytical studies, which have established a late to postkinematic Ottawan crystallization age (ca. 1050 Ma). Herein, we show that the older ages reported are a consequence of zircon inheritance; we summarize existing and provide new U-Pb zircon data expanding the recognized extent of the Lyon Mountain Granite; and we review long-recognized field relationships and temporal associations among structures within the region and southern Grenville Province. Field relations include a spatial, and likely temporal, link with iron oxide–apatite deposits, gabbroic and amphibolite bodies, and association with late extensional faults and hydrothermal alteration. The variable fabric of the Lyon Mountain Granite is a consequence of magmatic/intrusive processes, proximity to synintrusive structures, and timing of intrusion relative to deformation during an ∼30 m.y. period. The Lyon Mountain Granite formed during late Ottawan anatexis related to gravitational collapse of overthickened crust. Its anhydrous ferroan nature, zircon xenocryst population, and association with magnetite-apatite deposits can be explained by partial melting of Shawinigan-aged, AMCG-dominated lower crust.

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