Alluvial processes acting on scoria cones cause the development of a drainage network composed of radially distributed rills and gullies parallel to the volcanic edifice's downslope direction. We quantify the degree of drainage network development by applying the Average Erosion Index (AEI) method to scoria cones from the arid to semi-arid Lunar Crater volcanic field (Nevada, United States) and comparing our results with previously obtained results from two tropical volcanic fields (Sierra Chichinautzin volcanic field and the Parícutin-Tancítaro region, both in central Mexico). We show that the AEI method is useful in determining geomorphic age relations when calibrated separately for each field. Furthermore, the differences in AEI results for the three studied fields indicate that the method provides a way of quantifying the effects of different alluvial erosion rates at volcanic fields across various environments, including a delay in alluvial processes on cones in arid settings that has been qualitatively inferred by previous studies.