Since its discovery, the Kamil crater (Egypt) has been considered a natural laboratory for studying small-scale impact cratering. We report on a previously unknown shock-related phenomenon observed in impact melt masses from Kamil; that is, the shock-triggered formation of skeletal quartz aggregates from silica-rich fluids. These aggregates are unshocked and characterized by crystallographically oriented lamellar voids and rounded vesicles. The distribution of the aggregates can be correlated with former H2O- and impurity-rich heterogeneities in precursor quartz; i.e., fluid inclusions. The heterogeneities acted as hot spots for local melting. Due to the presence of H2O and the high impact pressure and temperature, the formation of a localized supercritical fluid is plausible. Below the upper critical end point of the SiO2–H2O system (temperature <1100 °C and pressure <1 GPa), SiO2 melt and H2O fluid become immiscible, leading to the rapid and complete crystallization of skeletal quartz.

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