The plate kinematic model for Iberia proposed recently by Srivastava et al. is extended here to demonstrate that the implied motions along the plate boundaries between Eurasia, Iberia, and Africa are consistent with geological observations. Additional sea-floor-spreading data were used to obtain a more precise timing of the jumps that took place in the plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia. We show that the model is consistent with the existence of anomaly 34 in the Bay of Biscay, and we give more exact limits for the location of boundary B, which was the plate boundary between Eurasia and Africa from chron 34 to about chron 17. The additional data provide evidence that Iberia must have acted as an independent plate from about chron 18 to chron 6c; King's Trough was the plate boundary between Iberia and Eurasia for most of this period.

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