Field Guide to Plutons, Volcanoes, Faults, Reefs, Dinosaurs, and Possible Glaciation in Selected Areas of Arizona, California, and Nevada

This guidebook, prepared in conjunction with the 2008 joint meeting of the GSA Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Sections, contains background information and road logs for eleven field trips in Nevada, Arizona, and California. Southern Nevada and adjoining areas contain a rich geologic history spanning the interval from the Paleoproterozoic to the present. Las Vegas lies at or near several critical geological junctures and localities including the structural boundary between the Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range, the physiographic boundary between the Great Basin and the southern Basin and Range, the eastern margin of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt, the tectonically active Death Valley area, tilted and faulted volcanic-plutonic systems exposing the upper part of the crust, and the enigmatic “amagmatic zone.” With guides in this volume spanning the geologic record from the Ediacaran (late Neoproterozoic) to the Holocene, covering ground from the middle crust to the surface, and looking at topics from tectonics to paleontology, volcanism to glaciation, this volume offers something for everyone.
Quaternary volcanism in the San Francisco Volcanic Field: Recent basaltic eruptions that profoundly impacted the northern Arizona landscape and disrupted the lives of nearby residents
Published:January 01, 2008
S.L. Hanson, W. Duffield, J. Plescia, 2008. "Quaternary volcanism in the San Francisco Volcanic Field: Recent basaltic eruptions that profoundly impacted the northern Arizona landscape and disrupted the lives of nearby residents", Field Guide to Plutons, Volcanoes, Faults, Reefs, Dinosaurs, and Possible Glaciation in Selected Areas of Arizona, California, and Nevada, Ernest M. Duebendorfer, Eugene I. Smith
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The San Francisco Volcanic Field, located in northeastern Arizona, is host to over 600 volcanoes. These volcanoes began erupting approximately 6 million years ago in the western portion of the field and through time, the locus of activity has migrated eastward. Eruptive products range from basalt to rhyolite, with basalt dominant. Pleistocene vents include Merriam Crater and two associated cinder cones as well as The Sproul, a spatter rampart. One, or several, of these vents produced the Grand Falls flow which spilled over into the Little Colorado River gorge and flowed both up and downstream. Lava filled the canyon producing a dam and continued to flow ~ 1 km beyond the eastern rim. This changed the course of the river creating the waterfall at Grand Falls. Quaternary volcanism began as a fissure eruption that culminated with the building of Sunset Crater cinder cone. The eruption, which produced a blanket of tephra and two lava flows, was most certainly witnessed by the ancestors of the Pueblo Indians and had a dramatic impact on their lives. The eruption may have caused a shift in population to places such as Wupatki, 30 km to the north, where farming in the arid climate may have been temporarily enhanced by a thin layer of ash that acted as a water-retaining mulch.
Melts that produced these dominantly basaltic cinder cones were derived by variable amounts of partial melting of an oceanic island basalt–like mantle source that underwent differing degrees of contamination from the lower crust. Subsequent fractional crystallization of olivine ° clinopyroxene further modified these melts. Discrete packets of these melts ascended rapidly to produce short-lived volcanic events in the eastern San Francisco Volcanic Field.
The purpose of this field trip is to examine these young cinder cones and their eruptive products in an effort to understand the origin of the eruptions as well as the effects they had on the physiography and native inhabitants of the area.
- archaeology
- Arizona
- basalts
- Cenozoic
- cinder cones
- Coconino County Arizona
- Colorado Plateau
- eruptions
- field trips
- fluvial features
- fractional crystallization
- geologic hazards
- guidebook
- igneous rocks
- lava flows
- magmas
- melts
- North America
- Pleistocene
- Quaternary
- road log
- San Francisco Peaks
- United States
- vents
- volcanic features
- volcanic fields
- volcanic rocks
- volcanism
- volcanoes
- waterfalls
- northern Arizona
- Little Colorado River
- Sunset Crater
- Grand Falls
- Merriam Crater