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The Barrick Golden Sunlight Mine (GSM) in Whitehall, Montana, is an industry leader in safe, responsible resource extraction. With more than 3 million ounces of gold poured since 1983, and current proven and probable reserves of 318,000 ounces of gold, GSM is the largest gold producer in Montana. The gold-silver deposit is localized in a hydrothermal breccia pipe related to Late Cretaceous latite porphyry magmatism hosted by the Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup, and is influenced by younger cross-cutting faults and fracture systems. The deposit has been mined by both underground and open pit methods, and the current open pit operation was recently permitted for expansion. The mill and tailings operations practice efficient and environmentally responsible resource recovery by processing ore from historical tailings and dumps from around the state in addition to ore from the Golden Sunlight property. This trip will explore the complex geologic and tectonic controls on mineralization and review how GSM has addressed the technical challenges of mining, milling, and reclamation.

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