Interior Western United States
The GSA Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City provided a large and diverse terrain for field trips—from the Basin and Range to the Rocky Mountains, from the Snake River Plain, across the Colorado Plateau, to the Mojave Desert. This volume contains 22 field trip articles, nearly all of those run at the 2005 meeting. All combine the latest research with useful road logs to spectacular and often classic geologic settings. The regional tour has a core of structure and stratigraphy-paleontology contributions, and is rounded off with volcanic, glacial, lacustrine, fluvial geomorphology, neotectonic, geologic hazard, and geoarchaeology articles.
From cirques to canyon cutting:: New Quaternary research in the Uinta Mountains
Published:January 01, 2005
The Quaternary record of the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah has been studied extensively over the past decade, improving our understanding of the Pleistocene glacial record and fluvial system evolution in a previously understudied part of the Rocky Mountains. Glacial geomorphology throughout the Uintas has been mapped in detail and interpreted with reference to other well-studied localities in the region. In addition, studies in Browns Park and Little Hole in the northeastern part of the range have provided information about paleoflooding, canyon cutting, and integration of the Green River over the Uinta Mountain uplift. Notable contributions of these studies include (1) constraints on the timing of the local last glacial maximum in the southwestern Uintas based on cosmogenic surface exposure dating, (2) insight into the relationship between ice dynamics and bedrock structure on the northern side of the range, and (3) quantification of Quaternary incision rates along the Green River. This guide describes a circumnavigation of the Uintas, visiting particularly well-documented sites on the north and south flanks of the range and along the Green River at the eastern end.
- canyons
- Carmel Formation
- Cenozoic
- Chinle Formation
- cirques
- Colorado Plateau
- Cretaceous
- Duchesne River Formation
- Eocene
- erosion features
- field trips
- fluvial features
- glacial features
- Green River Formation
- Jurassic
- landform evolution
- last glacial maximum
- Mancos Shale
- Mesozoic
- Moenkopi Formation
- North America
- paleoclimatology
- Paleogene
- Paleozoic
- Park City Formation
- Permian
- Precambrian
- Quaternary
- road log
- Rocky Mountains
- surficial geology
- tectonics
- Tertiary
- Triassic
- U. S. Rocky Mountains
- Uinta Mountain Group
- Uinta Mountains
- United States
- Upper Triassic
- Utah