Military Geosciences in the Twenty-First Century

Military geosciences are concerned with using the broad scope of the earth sciences for military purposes. These purposes range from direct support for military operations to a broad spectrum of non-combat military activities and military land management applications. Historically, the focus has been on geology and geography, but other earth science disciplines such as geophysics, remote sensing, and geocomputation have become increasingly important as a consequence of technological progress made during the final decades of the twentieth century. The eighteen chapters in this volume address the critical aspects of the role of geosciences in military undertakings by focusing on historical perspectives, geoscience for military operations, and military environmental stewardship.
Hydrogeology of Afghanistan and its impact on military operations
Published:January 01, 2014
Afghanistan is a mountainous, arid country with limited surface water supplies. The complex geology in this country includes active tectonics and mountain ranges. Afghanistan is subdivided into three distinct hydrogeological areas: the Central Highlands, the Northern Plain, and the Great Southern Plain. Most groundwater is located in the Central Highlands, where water of sufficient quantity to meet the needs of the population is available primarily by digging wells into unconsolidated alluvial aquifers located in mountain valleys. A lack of sustainable, high-quality water supplies can have a negative impact on the ability to conduct military operations. An understanding of hydrogeological conditions is required in order to minimize exposures to natural and anthropogenic sources of contamination that may pose either acute or chronic health risks to military forces. This same scarcity of potable water can have a negative impact on the local population. Projects that improve the quantity and quality of water available to both military forces and the local population are important to improve the overall stability of Afghanistan.
- Afghanistan
- alluvium aquifers
- aquifers
- arid environment
- Asia
- basins
- block structures
- Cenozoic
- climate
- drought
- faults
- ground water
- Indian Peninsula
- intermontane basins
- military facilities
- military geology
- Neogene
- neotectonics
- permeability
- properties
- Quaternary
- recharge
- surface water
- systems
- tectonics
- terrestrial environment
- Tertiary
- thickness
- water quality
- water supply
- water table
- water wells
- Kabul Basin
- Paghman Aquifer
- Kabul Aquifer
- Logar Aquifer
- Kunar River valley