Archean to Anthropocene: Field Guides to the Geology of the Mid-Continent of North America

This volume of 25 field guides plus one paper on field instruction was prepared in conjunction with the 2011 GSA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The diverse slate of field trips spans a geologically broad range of topics, including the Precambrian geology of the southern Canadian Shield; the economic geology of the Lake Superior region; Phanerozoic strata in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and North Dakota; glacial geology; hydrogeology and limnology; undergraduate and K12 geoscience field education; archaeological investigations in the upper Mississippi River valley; and geology by bicycle.
An examination of the bedrock geology and the Mississippi River valley in the Twin Cities: Pedagogical strategies for introductory geology field trips
Published:January 01, 2011
Kate Pound, Karen Campbell, Lee Schmitt, 2011. "An examination of the bedrock geology and the Mississippi River valley in the Twin Cities: Pedagogical strategies for introductory geology field trips", Archean to Anthropocene: Field Guides to the Geology of the Mid-Continent of North America, James D. Miller, George J. Hudak, Chad Wittkop, Patrick I. McLaughlin
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This field trip guide presents a summary of the Paleozoic bedrock geology of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul) region as well as an introduction to the Quaternary depositional and erosional history of the Twin Cities area, focusing on the carving of the Mississippi River gorge by glacial River Warren. Within this geological context, the philosophy behind a variety of pedagogical techniques is discussed, together with student learning goals, opportunities, and objectives for each locality.
- areal geology
- bedrock
- college-level education
- education
- educational resources
- elementary geology
- erosion
- field trips
- glaciated terrains
- gorges
- Hennepin County Minnesota
- Minneapolis Minnesota
- Minnesota
- Mississippi River
- Mississippi Valley
- Ramsey County Minnesota
- road log
- Saint Paul Minnesota
- teacher education
- United States
- valleys
- water erosion
- Warren River
- paleorivers