Diverse Excursions in the Southeast: Paleozoic to Present

This volume includes nine field trip guides that explore geological history and visit four regional geologic provinces—Blue Ridge, Valley and Ridge, Cumberland Plateau, and the Nashville dome. Two guides focus on the Cumberland Plateau structure and hydrology. Two explore aspects of the Nashville dome, including Mississippian Waulsortian mounds and meso-scale structural deformation. Various aspects of the Valley and Ridge are visited on three trips, including the 1925 Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee, structural aspects of the Sequatchie Valley, and regional Silurian Red Mountain/Rockwood stratigraphy. Two field trips explore features of the Blue Ridge province—one investigates southernmost Appalachian exposures of metamorphosed lower Paleozoic rock, and another focuses on the Appalachian geomorphological response to uplift during the late Cenozoic.
Coal mining impacts and remediation in the Chattanooga region: Field trip to North Chickamauga Creek upper watershed
Published:January 01, 2015
Upper North Chickamauga Creek in Hamilton and Sequatchie Counties, Tennessee, is severely impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD) emanating from more than 15 abandoned coal mines in headwater tributaries. AMD is formed when pyrite and other sulfide minerals are exposed to air and water during coal mining. It is characterized by low pH (<2.8) and elevated concentrations of acidity, iron, aluminum, sulfate, and other pollutants. These attributes tend to be toxic to most aquatic life and result in reduced aesthetics and potential uses of the water. The North Chickamauga Creek Watershed Restoration Project is a multi-organizational effort to restore the upper 18 miles of the North Chickamauga Creek watershed to a level that will support a warm-water fishery. Several passive treatment systems (PTS) have been installed at abandoned mining sites in the North Chickamauga Creek watershed where AMD is generated and is flowing into surface waters. PTS is the engineered use of natural and enhanced geological, biological, chemical, and physical processes to prevent pollutant generation or to remove pollutants from aqueous discharges. PTS include technologies such as constructed wetlands, anoxic limestone drains, mine seals and flooding, successive alkalinity-producing systems, limestone trenches, and other components. During this field trip to the upper reaches of the North Chickamauga Creek watershed, we will visit several of the operational systems and observe untreated AMD. Participants will gain an understanding of how AMD is generated, its impacts and characteristics, and how it can be prevented or treated. This field trip requires extensive hiking over moderate slopes and sometimes vegetated terrain.
- abandoned mines
- acid mine drainage
- coal mines
- discharge
- drainage basins
- environmental analysis
- environmental effects
- field trips
- Hamilton County Tennessee
- hydrology
- mines
- mining
- pollutants
- pollution
- remediation
- Sequatchie County Tennessee
- surface water
- Tennessee
- United States
- water treatment
- watersheds
- wetlands
- Chattanooga Tennessee
- North Chickamauga Creek basin