Geology of the Grand Canyon: A Guide and Index to Published Graphic and Tabular Data (Excluding Paleontology)
Volume 1 of this guide was published in 1990 as Geological Society of America Microform Publication 21, complemented by the four volume series, Geology of the Grand Canyon: an Annotated Bibliography (GSA Microform Publications 13, 14, 17, and 20, published in 1983, 1984, 1988, and 1990, respectively). The present volume is complemented by volume 5 of the annotated bibliography, also a GSA Microform publication. All of these volumes cover the entire history of Grand Canyon geological literature, from the first geological note of the canyon in 1857. They will soon be complemented by a companion publication (The Grand Canyon Fossil Record, presently in preparation for publication) that will provide a complete guide to the paleontological literature for the Grand Canyon. At that time, the basic research guides to all of the Grand Canyon geological literature will be complete.
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Table of Contents
Guide to Published Graphic and Tabular Data