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To expand our evaluation of the Mesozoic Sierran arc, we need to consider the volcanic section that overlies the intrusive parts of the arc seen in Days 1–4. While doing so, we can discuss evidence for links between the magmatic and volcanic components of the arc, the nature of regional sedimentation and tectonism that accompanied active volcanism, and the challenges of estimating volume rates of volcanic activity in ancient arc systems. The most complete exposures of the volcanic section of the Mesozoic arc in the central Sierra occur in several pendants near the eastern topographic divide of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. These volcanic sections are exposed in the Saddlebag and Ritter Range pendants. We have completed new 1:24,000–1:10,000 scale mapping in four areas within these eastern pendants, which from north to south are: (1) Eagle Creek pendant around Twin Lakes, (2) the Virginia Canyon area, (3) the Saddlebag Lake pendant, and (4) the northern Ritter Range pendant…

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