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Thin, planar, dark, lamination-like bands are found in host siltstones in the Miocene-Pliocene metamorphosed Miura-Boso accretionary prism, southern Boso Peninsula, Japan. We classified the bands into four types on the basis of distribution, crosscutting relations, and internal textures. Type 1-1 dark bands are developed parallel to the bedding plane and do not include crushed or deformed grains within the band. Type 1-2 bands are also developed parallel to the bedding plane, but grain alignment within the band cuts obliquely across that in the host rock. Type 2 bands include ductilely deformed grains similar to an S-C′ structure, whereas type 3 bands have cataclastic grains. All the dark bands except type 1-1 (being an open fracture with little displacement) are shear bands or slip planes formed from sedimentation to accretion, although the formation mechanisms between the four types are different. These deformation bands are affected by the state of consolidation and magnitude of stress during formation, reflecting the deformation processes. Type 1-1 bands show evidence of independent particulate flow from excess pore-fluid-pressure generation, which occurs just after sedimentation. Type 1-2 bands are flexural-slip faults formed during formation of folds; type 2 bands are sliding planes formed from submarine landslides, whereas type 3 bands are thrust faults formed during accretion.

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