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A petrographic and geochemical comparison of suevites from the LB-07A and LB-08A cores recovered during 2004 by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program with suevites from outside of the crater rim of the Bosumtwi impact structure indicates contrasting mechanisms of formation for these respective impact breccias. The within-crater suevites form only a small part of the lithic impact breccia–dominated impactite crater fill, in contrast to the impactites from outside of the crater, which consist solely of suevite. The clasts of suevites from within the crater display relatively low levels of shock (for most material <45 GPa). The numbers of shocked quartz grains, as well as fragments of diaplectic glass of quartz and feldspar in suevites decrease with depth through the LB-07A core (maximum three sets of planar deformation features [PDFs]). In contrast, the out-of-crater suevites sampled north and south of the crater contain up to four PDF sets in quartz clasts, ballen cristobalite, and higher proportions of diaplectic glass than the within-crater suevites. In addition, the suevites from outside of the crater contain significantly more melt particles (18–37 vol%) than the within-crater suevites (<5 vol%). Melt fragment sizes in suevites from outside the crater are much larger than those from suevites within the crater (maximum 40 cm versus 1 cm). The currently known distribution of impactites outside of the crater would be consistent with a low-angle impact from the east. We propose that the within-crater suevites and polymict lithic breccias were emplaced either via slumping off the crater walls or lateral movement of some melted and much displaced target rock within the crater. Limited admixture of fallback material from the ejecta plume is evident in the uppermost impactite deposit encountered in core LB-05B. In contrast, the out-of-crater suevites formed by fallout from a laterally differentiated ejecta plume, which resulted in different clast populations to the north and south of the crater.

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