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Geological mapping of the island of Lipari at 1:10,000 scale was performed by adopting a stratigraphic approach based on the integrated use of lithostratigraphic units, lithosomes, and unconformity-bounded units. This approach allows the geological peculiarity of this volcanic area to be reproduced through documention and interpretation of the different rock types (using lithostratigraphic units), and definition of the geometry of rock bodies (using lithosomes), with emphasis on unconformities in the volcano-sedimentary architecture (using unconformity-bounded units). In particular, by concentrating on accurate tephrostratigraphy and deposits formed during periods of prolonged volcanic quiescence (e.g., marine deposits and epiclastic products), unconformity-bounded units provide the main stratigraphic constraints at a regional level. Two first-order unconformities (UI and UII), represented by surfaces of erosion bounding marine deposits emplaced during marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 5, can be correlated across most of the Aeolian archipelago. Furthermore, four second-order and seven third-order unconformities represented by erosion and non-deposition surfaces formed during main periods of dormancy or minor sea-level fluctuations of MIS 5 are introduced. The reconstructed unconformity-bounded stratigraphy, together with other rock-stratigraphic units, provides an effective reconstruction of the geological evolution of Lipari, ranging between ca. 220 ka and the present time, as the result of the interplay among volcanic activity of local and external provenance, sea-level fluctuations, and regional fault systems. In this framework, Lipari's eruptive history encompasses five successive eruptive epochs characterized by distinctive centers of eruption (eastwards shifting), eruption type (from mainly strombolian to hydromagmatic), and chemical composition (from calc-alkaline basalt-andesite to high-K calc-alkaline rhyolite).

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