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U-Pb zircon data from three undeformed to slightly deformed, megacrystic, granitoid plutons in the northern Acatlán Complex of southern México has indicated that all three are part of a larger suite of late Ordovician plutons. 40Ar/39Ar data from hornblende and biotite show mainly disturbed spectra, but biotite from the Palo Liso and Los Hornos plutons yields plateaus with ages of 305 ± 26 Ma and 157 ± 12 Ma, respectively. These thermal events may be correlated, respectively, with Permo-Triassic and Jurassic tectonothermal events recorded elsewhere in the Acatlán Complex. All three plutons are peraluminous with calc-alkaline affinities, characteristics that are consistent with inherited zircon ages and together suggest a source in Mesoproterozoic calc-alkaline rocks similar to those exposed in the neighboring Oaxaca terrane. We interpret these granites to be related to the early Ordovician separation of peri-Gondwanan terranes from Gondwana during the opening of the Rheic Ocean. Elsewhere in the Acatlán Complex, Ordovician megacrystic granitoids of the Piaxtla Suite were subjected to high-grade metamorphism, which we infer to be related to subduction along the Gondwanan margin during the Devonian–Carboniferous. The three plutons reported here were not affected by Devono-Carboniferous metamorphism and thus are inferred to have remained outside the subduction zone.

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