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Nd-Sr-Pb isotope data are used to characterize the sources of Late Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks of the Teplá-Barrandian unit of the Bohemian Massif. Geochemical and isotopic signatures of samples from different stratigraphic levels reflect changing sources and weathering conditions through time and allow a correlation with shifting geotectonic regimes. Late Neoproterozoic rocks were deposited in a magmatic arc–related setting within the Avalonian-Cadomian belt at the periphery of West Gondwana. Fine-grained graywackes yield crustal residence ages (TDM) of 2.17–1.49 Ga, documenting contributions of old crust. Their ϵNd570 values, as well as Pb and Sr isotopic compositions, reflect mixing of detritus derived from old crust with a Neoproterozoic magmatic arc component. The change in the geo-tectonic regime to transtension/rifting occurred during the terminal Neoproterozoic and is documented by more radiogenic ϵNdT values (−6.0 to +1.0) and younger TDM (1.65–1.12 Ga) of the Cambrian sediments. Besides the involvement of a post-Neoproterozoic juvenile source, the Lower Cambrian basin was also fed from an old upper crustal domain, as indicated by their high 207Pb/206Pb values. In contrast, Middle Cambrian siliciclastic rocks are mainly derived from the Cadomian basement. In the Ordovician pelites, ϵNdT values of −9.6 to −8.3 and radiogenic Sr and Pb isotopic compositions reflect an increasing input of material derived from the cratonic hinterland. Their TDM values range from 2.02 to 1.88 Ga. The uniform geochemical and isotopic compositions of the Ordovician samples indicate efficient mixing of the detritus prior to deposition in a mature rift or shelf environment at the Gondwanan margin.

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