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Detrital evaporites and mixed siliciclastic-gypsum arenites are present in the Gessi Formation from the Rossano Basin in Calabria, Italy. The detrital origin of the gypsum fragments in the quartzofeldspathic sandstones is revealed by crystal overgrowths that outline the shape of former gypsum clasts. The gypsum was subsequently transformed into anhydrite at burial conditions. During exhumation, anhydrite was hydrated back to gypsum, a gypsum overgrowth rich in F, Na, K, Cl, and Al formed on the original gypsum grains, and the pore spaces were filled with gypsum cement.

Detrital modes of Gessi Formation sandstones suggest complex source-basin relationships in this area during the Messinian salinity crisis. The clastic deposits are the result of deep unroofing of the crustal terranes of the Calabrian arc and the reworking of primary Messinian evaporite facies (selenite). This study indicates that detrital evaporites and mixed siliciclastic-gypsum arenites are more widespread in the Mediterranean area than generally described in the literature.

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