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The Trans-European Suture zone in eastern Europe is a complex region that marks the suture of Phanerozoic western European terranes with the Precambrian East European craton. Because of sedimentary cover and the Baltic Sea, the nature of this suture is known primarily from geophysical studies. Seismic velocity and gravity models from earlier experiments indicate changes of crustal thickness from 28–35 km to 42–47 km across the Teisseyre-Tornquist zone from the Paleozoic platform of western Europe to the East European craton. Tectonic models suggest the presence of a Precambrian–early Paleozoic passive margin beneath the Teisseyre-Tornquist zone. The Holy Cross Mountains in southeastern Poland represent an anomalous crustal block whose origin and interaction with the East European craton is unknown. We have employed a new approach to quantitatively integrate (i.e., data fusion) industry-acquired drilling and seismic reflection data, as well as refraction data from the CELEBRATION 2000, POLONAISE ‘97, and Teisseyre-Tornquist zone experiments in a tomographic inversion. We find that it is feasible to integrate data of different resolutions in a tomographic inversion. Secondly, we constrained upper-crustal velocities within our study area to create a more completely resolved velocity structure. Thirdly, we modeled a uniform gravity data set to validate all available data and construct models of crustal structure across the Holy Cross Mountains region.

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