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Table 13 1. Solubilities of different solids in water at atmospheric pressure 191 
 2. Effect of high pressures on the solubilities of certain salts in water at 25°C 193 
 3. Effect of pressure on the liquidus composition in the system dimethylaniline in monomethylaniline at 0°C 196 
 4. Effect of pressure on the eutectic temperature and composition in various systems 197 
Figure 1. Effect of pressure on the solubility of certain substances in water 190 
 2. Pressure-composition equilibrium diagram for the system sodium chloride-water at 25°C 191 
 3. Pressure-composition equilibrium diagram for the system potassium sulfate-water at 25°C 192 
 4. Pressure-composition equilibrium diagram for the system ammonium nitrate-water at 25°C 192 
 5. Pressure-temperature relations for the equilibrium: sodium chloride dihydrate-sodium chloride-saturated solution 194 
 6. Pressure-temperature relations for the equilibrium: sodium sulfate decahydrate-sodium sulfate-saturated solution 195 
 7. Effect of pressure on the solubility, at 30°C., of m-dinitrobenzene in ethylacetate, and of naphthalene in tetrachloroethane 196 
 8. Effect of pressure on the temperature-composition equilibrium curves in the binary system aniline-phenol 199 
 9. Effect of pressure on the temperature-composition equilibrium curves in the binary system m-cresol-o-cresol 200 
 10. Solidus and liquidus curves at different pressures in the system p-dichlorobenzene-p-dibromobenzene 201 
 11. Effect of pressure on the temperature-composition curves in the system aniline-cyclohexane 202 
Table 13 1. Solubilities of different solids in water at atmospheric pressure 191 
 2. Effect of high pressures on the solubilities of certain salts in water at 25°C 193 
 3. Effect of pressure on the liquidus composition in the system dimethylaniline in monomethylaniline at 0°C 196 
 4. Effect of pressure on the eutectic temperature and composition in various systems 197 
Figure 1. Effect of pressure on the solubility of certain substances in water 190 
 2. Pressure-composition equilibrium diagram for the system sodium chloride-water at 25°C 191 
 3. Pressure-composition equilibrium diagram for the system potassium sulfate-water at 25°C 192 
 4. Pressure-composition equilibrium diagram for the system ammonium nitrate-water at 25°C 192 
 5. Pressure-temperature relations for the equilibrium: sodium chloride dihydrate-sodium chloride-saturated solution 194 
 6. Pressure-temperature relations for the equilibrium: sodium sulfate decahydrate-sodium sulfate-saturated solution 195 
 7. Effect of pressure on the solubility, at 30°C., of m-dinitrobenzene in ethylacetate, and of naphthalene in tetrachloroethane 196 
 8. Effect of pressure on the temperature-composition equilibrium curves in the binary system aniline-phenol 199 
 9. Effect of pressure on the temperature-composition equilibrium curves in the binary system m-cresol-o-cresol 200 
 10. Solidus and liquidus curves at different pressures in the system p-dichlorobenzene-p-dibromobenzene 201 
 11. Effect of pressure on the temperature-composition curves in the system aniline-cyclohexane 202 

1. Adams, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 53, 3769 (1931).

2. Adams, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 54, 2229 (1932).

3. Adams and Gibson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 54, 4520 (1932).

4. Cohen and Sinnige, Z. physik. Chem. 67, . . .

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