Handbook of Physical Constants
Geodetic Constants: Data Concerning the Interior of the Earth
Published:January 01, 1942
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Table 8 | 1. Figure of the Earth’s surface | 104 |
2. Gravity at the surface; mass, mean density, moment of inertia | 104 | |
3. Pressure, density, acceleration of gravity and ellipticity of layers of equal density in the Earth | 105 | |
4. The Earth’s core | 106 |
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Table 8 | 1. Figure of the Earth’s surface | 104 |
2. Gravity at the surface; mass, mean density, moment of inertia | 104 | |
3. Pressure, density, acceleration of gravity and ellipticity of layers of equal density in the Earth | 105 | |
4. The Earth’s core | 106 |
1. Benfield, Z. f. Geophys. 13, 157, 1937.
2. Birch, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 29, 463, 1939.
3. Bullen, M. N. R. A. S. Geophys. Supp. 3, 395, 1936.
4. Bullen, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand, 67, 122, 1937.
5. Bullen, idem, 69, 188, 1939.
6. Bullen, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 30, 235, 1940.
7. Gutenberg and Richter, Beitr. z. Geophys. 54, 94, 1939.
8. Gutenberg and Richter, M. N. R. A. S. Geophys. Supp. 4, 363, 1938.
9. Jeffreys, M. N. R. A. S. Geophys. Supp. 4, 537, 548 and 594, 1939.
10. Lambert, The Internal Constitution of the Earth, Chap. 13, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1939.
11. Olczak, Acta Astron. 3, 81, 1938.
12. Williamson and Adams, J. Washington Acad. Sci. 13, 413, 1923.
Table 8–1.—Figure of the Earth’s Surface
(Ref. 10)
Semi-axes of International Ellipsoid of Reference (1924):
Radius of sphere of equal volume, α0 = 6371 km. |
Ellipticity of surface, (a – c)/a = 1/297 = 0.00337. (For ellipticity of internal levels, see Table 8–3.) |
Quadrant of a meridian = 10,002.288 km. |
Quadrant of the equator = 10,019.148 km. |
Area of surface = 5.101 × 1018 cm.2 |
Volume = 1.0832 |
Semi-axes of International Ellipsoid of Reference (1924):
Radius of sphere of equal volume, α0 = 6371 km. |
Ellipticity of surface, (a – c)/a = 1/297 = 0.00337. (For ellipticity of internal levels, see Table 8–3.) |
Quadrant of a meridian = 10,002.288 km. |
Quadrant of the equator = 10,019.148 km. |
Area of surface = 5.101 × 1018 cm.2 |
Volume = 1.0832 |