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Table 5 1. Elasticity of single crystals 66 
 1.1. Extreme values of Young’s modulus and of rigidity in certain metal single crystals 69 
 1.2. Effect of temperature on the elasticity of quartz 70 
 2. Elasticity of polycrystalline metals at ordinary pressure and temperature; effect of pressure on rigidity 71 
 3. Effect of temperature on the elasticity of polycrystalline metals 72 
 4. Elastic constants of rocks at ordinary pressure and temperature 73 
 5. Effect of stress on Young’s modulus of rocks 78 
 6. Effect of stress on Young’s modulus and on σ in granite. 79 
 7. Effect of moisture upon velocity in Amherst sandstone 79 
 8. Elastic parameters of certain rocks at 4,000−2 and 30°C 80 
 9. Rigidity and velocity of shear waves, in rocks, as function of pressure 81 
 10. Effect of temperature on the velocity of shear waves in rocks at high pressure 83 
 11. Elasticity of glass and glassy rocks; effect of pressure upon rigidity 84 
 12. Effect of temperature on elasticity of glasses 85 
 13. Elasticity of rocks from seismic determinations 86 
Table 5 1. Elasticity of single crystals 66 
 1.1. Extreme values of Young’s modulus and of rigidity in certain metal single crystals 69 
 1.2. Effect of temperature on the elasticity of quartz 70 
 2. Elasticity of polycrystalline metals at ordinary pressure and temperature; effect of pressure on rigidity 71 
 3. Effect of temperature on the elasticity of polycrystalline metals 72 
 4. Elastic constants of rocks at ordinary pressure and temperature 73 
 5. Effect of stress on Young’s modulus of rocks 78 
 6. Effect of stress on Young’s modulus and on σ in granite. 79 
 7. Effect of moisture upon velocity in Amherst sandstone 79 
 8. Elastic parameters of certain rocks at 4,000−2 and 30°C 80 
 9. Rigidity and velocity of shear waves, in rocks, as function of pressure 81 
 10. Effect of temperature on the velocity of shear waves in rocks at high pressure 83 
 11. Elasticity of glass and glassy rocks; effect of pressure upon rigidity 84 
 12. Effect of temperature on elasticity of glasses 85 
 13. Elasticity of rocks from seismic determinations 86 

(For compressibility, see Section 4.)

(For velocities determined in the field, see Section 7.)

For sufficiently small stresses, two elastic “constants” are necessary and sufficient to determine the elastic behavior of a homogeneous, isotropic, elastic solid. Various pairs of constants are in common use; those usually measured in the laboratory are Young’s modulus E, the modulus of rigidity or the shear modulus G, Poisson’s ratio σ, and the compressibility β or its. . . .

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