Basins of the Rio Grande Rift: Structure, Stratigraphy, and Tectonic Setting
Crustal structure and basin geometry in south-central New Mexico
Published:January 01, 1994
The region of central New Mexico where the Rio Grande rift begins to widen has been investigated via an integrated geological and geophysical analysis. Existing seismic refraction profiles and two seismic reflection profiles, when combined with gravity and drilling data, provide a good picture of basin geometry deep crustal structure in the region. The Palomas Basin is shown to be a half graben bounded by a listric-normal fault imaged by the seismic reflection data. The Engle Basin is also associated with a half graben. The structure of the Tularosa Basin is more symmetric with two grabens. An analysis of deeper structures indicates that the crust is 28 to 33 km thick in the rift with the greatest thickness being in the northern portion of the area.
- basement
- basins
- Bouguer anomalies
- crust
- faults
- geometry
- geophysical methods
- geophysical profiles
- geophysical surveys
- gravity anomalies
- gravity methods
- gravity profiles
- half grabens
- listric faults
- New Mexico
- normal faults
- North America
- refraction
- Rio Grande Rift
- seismic profiles
- surveys
- thickness
- United States
- wells
- south-central New Mexico
- Palomas Basin