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The Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of Peninsular California
Geological Society of America

© 1993 Geological Society of America
Geological Society of America
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Publication date:
January 01, 1993
Book Chapter
Prebatholithic stratigraphy of the San Felipe area, Baja California Norte, Mexico
Published:January 01, 1993
Prebatholithic rocks are exposed near the town of San Felipe in northeastern Baja, California. Two spatially separated stratigraphic sections contain mature quartzite, marble, metaargillite, and interbeds of pelitic schist and micaceous quartzite. Eight mappable rock units of formational rank collectively measure at least 3,800 m. The depositional setting was in a shallow-marine environment, marginal to the craton.
Based on lithology and stratigraphy, the sequence is provisionally correlated with miogeoclinal rocks of Late Proterozoic and Early Cambrian age in northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Unit G is correlated with the Proveedora Quartzite and units D, E, and F are correlated with the Puerto Blanco Formation of the Caborca area.
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Index Terms/Descriptors
- Baja California
- basalts
- Cambrian
- chemical composition
- correlation
- cratons
- depositional environment
- geologic maps
- igneous rocks
- Lower Cambrian
- maps
- marbles
- marine environment
- metabasalt
- metaigneous rocks
- metals
- metamorphic rocks
- Mexico
- miogeosynclines
- Neoproterozoic
- Paleozoic
- Precambrian
- Proterozoic
- quartzites
- rare earths
- schists
- shallow-water environment
- Sonora Mexico
- stratigraphy
- upper Precambrian
- volcanic rocks
- Puerto Blanco Formation
- meta-argillite
- Proveedora Quartzite
- San Felipe Mexico
- Caborca Mexico
Latitude & Longitude
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