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The Bradtville drift, the Canning till, and their correlatives in southwestern Ontario have been previously thought to be early Wisconsinan in age. Here another alternative is offered, whereby the Bradtville drift is assigned to the Illinoian stage, the lowermost Member A of the overlying Tyrconnell Formation to the late Sangamonian; Eowisconsinan, or the earliest part of early Wisconsinan, and its Member B to the early Wisconsinan substage. The age of the Canning till is still unknown.

Member A of the Tyrconnell Formation is an accretion gley that formed about 20 m below the present level of Lake Erie, thus requiring a low outlet for the Erie basin. At that time, the Erie basin was drained probably by the buried Erigan channel, which extends about 50 m below the present level of Lake Erie.

Member B of the Tyrconnell Formation is varved glaciolacustrine silt and clay, the deposition of which required a rise of lake level above the present one. This rise could have been caused by the Ontario lobe overriding the Niagara peninsula, possibly as far as Gowanda, New York; however, the ice margin remained in the eastern part of Lake Erie.

The above hypothesis is supported by available lithologic and paleoecologic data from the region adjoining the north-central and eastern part of Lake Erie, but supporting numerical age determinations beyond the range of radiocarbon dating are still lacking.

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