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The Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene(?) Canaan Peak Formation of southwestern Utah consists of approximately 100 m of cobble conglomerate and subordinate sandstone. Coarse-grained lithofacies include massive to very crudely stratified pebble to cobble conglomerate (Gm) and trough cross-stratified conglomerate (Gt). Minor associated lithofacies include trough (St) and planar (Sp) cross-stratified sandstone and scour-fill sandstone (Ss). Gravel deposition occurred during high-discharge periods within a Scott/Donjek-type perennial braided fluvial system on longitudinal bars (Gm) and sinuous-crested transverse bars (Gt), and as a product of longitudinal bar-top and interbar channel scour filling (Gt). Sand accumulated under lower flow-velocity conditions through migration of interbar channel dunes and transverse bars (St/Sp) and development of scour and fill deposits (Ss).

Clast imbrication and trough-axis orientation measurements indicate east to north-east paleoflow directions. Gravel-sized clasts are predominantly resistant lithologies including Upper Precambrian-Cambrian quartzite, fossiliferous Paleozoic chert, and some silicified middle Jurassic volcanic rocks; less resistant Paleozoic limestone clasts are only locally abundant.

Canaan Peak Formation detritus was derived from erosion of highlands created by Cretaceous Sevier-style thrust-fault development to the west in southeastern Nevada and western Utah and distributed across an extensive gravel-dominated braidplain complex. However, it is not possible to determine whether Canaan Peak deposition records active uplift or is postorogenic. Sediment was transported eastward a minimum distance of 45 to 60 km and was subject to continuous high-energy reworking within the Canaan Peak fluvial system, resulting in destruction of all but the most stable clast lithologies.

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