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A geochronological study of the Lincolnton metadacite, a prominent unit in the slate belt along the Georgia-South Carolina border, provides indicated primary ages of 554 ± 20 m.y. (Rb-Sr) and 568 m.y. (U-Pb, zircon). On the basis of both lithological and geochronological data, the Lincolnton metadacite and associated felsic pyroclastic sequence are interpreted to be correlative with the Uwharrie Formation in the Albemarle-Denton-Asheboro area of North Carolina. On the basis of lithologic comparison alone, the Lincolnton metadacite and associated felsic pyroclastic sequence are also interpreted to be equivalent to the Persimmon Fork Formation near Columbia, South Carolina. Prominent argillite units that overlie felsic metavolcanics in all three areas are likewise considered correlative. These units include the Tillery Formation (Albemarle-Denton-Asheboro area), the Richtex Formation (Columbia, South Carolina, area), and the upper sedimentary sequence (Lincolnton, Georgia-McCormick, South Carolina, area).

Available data suggest a Cambrian age for most of these units, although some of the lowermost formations could actually be of very late Precambrian age.

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