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During the Pleistocene, the Laurentian Ice Sheet extended southward into northwestern Pennsylvania. This field trip identifies a number of periglacial features from the Appalachian Plateaus and Ridge and Valley provinces that formed near the Pleistocene ice sheet front. Evidence of Pleistocene periglacial climate in this area includes glacial lake deposits in the Monongahela River valley near Morgantown, West Virginia, and Sphagnum peatlands, rock cities, and patterned ground in plateau areas surrounding the Upper Youghiogheny River basin in Garrett County, Maryland, and the Laurel Highlands of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, USA. In the high-lying basins of the Allegheny Mountains, Pleistocene peatlands still harbor species characteristic of more northerly latitudes due to local frost pocket conditions. Pleistocene fauna preserved in a cave deposit in Allegany County, Maryland, record a diverse mammalian assemblage indicative of taiga forest habitat in the Ridge and Valley province.

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