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Classic models proposed that continental rifting begins at hotspots—domal uplifts with associated magmatism—from which three rift arms extend. Rift arms from different hotspots link up to form new plate boundaries, along which the continent breaks up, generating a new ocean basin and leaving failed arms, termed aulacogens, within the continent. In subsequent studies, hotspots became increasingly viewed as manifestations of deeper upwellings or plumes, which were the primary cause of continental rifting. We revisited this conceptual model and found that it remains useful, though some aspects require updates based on subsequent results. First, the rift arms are often parts of boundaries of transient microplates accommodating motion between the major plates. The microplates form as continents break up, and they are ultimately incorporated into one of the major plates, leaving identifiable fossil features on land and/or offshore. Second, much of the magmatism associated with rifting is preserved either at depth, in underplated layers, or offshore. Third, many structures formed during rifting survive at the resulting passive continental margins, so study of one can yield insight into the other. Fourth, hotspots play at most a secondary role in continental breakup, because most of the associated volcanism reflects plate divergence, so three-arm junction points may not reflect localized upwelling of a deep mantle plume.

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