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The last-glacial megaflood Kankakee Torrent streamlined hills and the remarkably straight backslope of the Kalamazoo moraine (Lake Michigan lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet) in southwestern Michigan. Flooding ensued as proglacial Lake Dowagiac overflowed across remnants of the Lake Michigan lobe at the position of the inner margin of the Kalamazoo moraine as glacial debris and ablating ice were pinned against Portage Prairie. Proglacial Lake Dowagiac developed in the Dowagiac River valley as the lobe retreated to form the Valparaiso moraine. A minimum age of the Kankakee Torrent (18.7 ± 0.6 k.y. B.P) is indicated by the weighted mean value of six optically stimulated luminescence ages determined from quartz sand in glaciofluvial sediment on the Kalamazoo moraine (Lake Michigan and Saginaw lobes). This value is consistent with tighter age control based on radiocarbon ages of tundra plants within silty sediment forming ice-walled lake plains and in a torrent-scoured lake basin (Oswego channel) in Illinois. Crosscutting relationships of well-dated moraines indicate the Kankakee Torrent occurred sometime between 19.7 and 18.9 calibrated (cal.) k.y. B.P. as it skirted the south margin of the Valparaiso Morainic System.

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