Untangling the Quaternary Period—A Legacy of Stephen C. Porter
Stephen C. Porter was an international leader in Quaternary science for several decades, having worked on most of the world’s continents and having led international organizations and a prominent interdisciplinary journal. His work influenced many individuals, and he played an essential role in linking Chinese Quaternary science with the broader international scientific community. This volume brings together nineteen papers of interdisciplinary Quaternary science honoring Porter. Special Paper 548 features papers from six continents, on wide-ranging topics including glaciation, paleoecology, landscape evolution, megafloods, and loess. The topical and geographical range of the papers, as well as their interdisciplinary nature, honor Porter’s distinct approach to Quaternary science and leadership that influences the field to this day.
Glacier development in continental climate regions of central Asia
*corresponding author email: [email protected]
Published:April 07, 2021
Jigjidsurengiin Batbaatar*, Alan R. Gillespie, Michele Koppes, Douglas H. Clark, Oliver A. Chadwick, David Fink, Ari Matmon, Summer Rupper, 2021. "Glacier development in continental climate regions of central Asia", Untangling the Quaternary Period—A Legacy of Stephen C. Porter, Richard B. Waitt, Glenn D. Thackray, Alan R. Gillespie
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Glaciers in central Asia that developed under a range of climatic conditions from arid to humid provide an excellent opportunity to test glacial responses to changes in climate. To do this, we mapped and dated glacial deposits at 11 sites spread over five mountain ranges in central Asia: the Altai, Tian Shan, Altyn Tagh, Qilian Shan, and Kunlun. The glacial chronologies for these sites were determined from new 10Be and 26Al exposure ages for the mapped moraines, in addition to 10Be ages available in the literature. Paleo–equilibrium-line altitudes were estimated for past glacier extents from the dated moraines. The equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) were also estimated for existing glaciers to characterize the spatial pattern in modern climate across the study region. Differences between the modern and paleo-ELAs (∆ELAs) were used to explore the climatic reasons for variations in the glacier sensitivities and responses to past changes in climate. The results show that the glaciers in more humid regions advanced to their maximum during marine oxygen-isotope stage (MIS) 3–2 with ΔELAs of ~1100–600 m. However, glaciers in the arid interior of central Asia, in the rain shadows of the Karakorum and Pamir ranges and in the Gobi Desert ranges, reached their maximum between MIS 6 and 4, and glacier extents during the subsequent colder/drier MIS 3–2 were significantly smaller or did not extend beyond their cirques. Comparisons of our results and the sensitivity analysis of modern glaciers suggest that depression of air temperature was the primary driver of glacier advances in central Asia but that precipitation played a major role in shaping the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of glacier advances. Precipitation was especially important in hyperarid conditions. Therefore, inferences about paleoclimate parameters from past glacial extents must be made after careful consideration of the climatic setting in which the glaciers are found, as well as their sensitivity to climatic factors.
- Al-26
- alkaline earth metals
- Altun Mountains
- aluminum
- Asia
- Be-10
- beryllium
- Cenozoic
- Central Asia
- China
- climate effects
- data processing
- digital terrain models
- equilibrium line altitude
- exposure age
- Far East
- geographic information systems
- glacial extent
- glacial features
- glaciers
- Google Earth
- Holocene
- ice cover
- information systems
- isotopes
- Karakoram
- land cover
- last glacial maximum
- mass balance
- meltwater
- metals
- Middle Ages
- MIS 2
- moraines
- paleoclimatology
- paleoenvironment
- paleorelief
- Pamirs
- Pleistocene
- Qilian Mountains
- Quaternary
- radioactive isotopes
- remote sensing
- satellite methods
- Shuttle Imaging Radar
- Tien Shan