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The following-pages contain listings of numbers of specimens per taxon, sample by sample, for each stratigraphie unit. Refer to Table 10 for the presently accepted nomenclature and associations,of these elements.

Each sample is supplemented with a, circle, square or triangle to indicate the adequacy of that sample. Samples designed with circles are adequate in all respects ancf are the only samples from which figured specimens were derived. Squares indicate that the sample is satisfactory for biostratigraphic and (or) paleoecologic analysis, but because preservation of the locality is unlikely, no specimens were selected froof them. Most of the localities in this category are strip mines, and ironically, are the very best localities available to study the marine units in detail. Those samples designated with triangles are the poorest. Most of these are float blocks from strip mine spoil banks or other undesirable sample sites. Not only are no specimens figured from these localities, but little use has been made of them in reaching any of the conclusions expressed herein.

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