Geology of the Grand Canyon
The 200 miles of east-west rock walls of the Grand Canyon are unmatched and invaluable for their record of earth history and for their outstanding geology. With this new volume, this major work by Spamer is now finished, providing geologists with an outstanding reference tool. Contains both alphabetical and chronological listings for all references. An essential companion to this work is Spamer’s Geology of the Grand Canyon: A Guide and Index to Published Graphic and Tabular Data (Excluding Paleontology).
General Introduction
Published:January 01, 1992
This is the fifth volume (fourth supplement) to the series, Geology of the Grand Canyon: An Annotated Bibliography with an Annotated Catalogue of Grand Canyon Type Fossils. Volumes 1-4 were published in 1983, 1984, 1988, and 1990 as Geological Society of America Microform Publications 13, 14, 17, and 20. The current volume includes references found as late as February, 1992, but this not mean that the bibliography is comprehensive through that date.