Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 5
Prepared by the Case Histories Committee for the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America, these histories are intended as reference material for the practicing geologist and for the college student. The fifth volume, edited by George A. Kiersch, contains the following papers: Landslide of Cerro Condo-Sencca, Department of Ayacucho, Peru; Removal of ripple rocks, Seymour Narrows, British Columbia, Canada; Earth dams in glacial terrain, Catskill Mountain region, New York; Geologic investigations for sources of large rubble; Relief wells on the Garrison Dam and Snake Creek embankment, North Dakota; Lithology and hydrology of radioactive waste-disposal sites, Savannah River Plant, South Carolina; Engineering geology of the Demirkopru Dam site, Salihli, Turkey.
Engineering Geology of the Demirkopru Dam Site, Salihli, Turkey
Published:January 01, 1964
The Gediz River basin area, and more specifically the Demir-kopru dam site, located 80 miles east of Izmir, Turkey, provides a rare opportunity to study the occurrence of five major geologic features in close proximity. Within a 2-square-mile area are major terraces, the Gediz graben, a Precambrian massif, recent volcanic rocks, and recent lacustrine deposits. The association of these features with a major engineering structure provides the basis for this paper. In early studies of the Gediz River basin, considerations were given to dam-site locations downstream of the project constructed. The alignment finally selected was at the basalt-lacustrine clay contact and takes advantage of this relationship. A 4,700,000 cubic meter earth-fill dam was constructed at the selected site.