Engineering Geology Case Histories Number 5
Prepared by the Case Histories Committee for the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America, these histories are intended as reference material for the practicing geologist and for the college student. The fifth volume, edited by George A. Kiersch, contains the following papers: Landslide of Cerro Condo-Sencca, Department of Ayacucho, Peru; Removal of ripple rocks, Seymour Narrows, British Columbia, Canada; Earth dams in glacial terrain, Catskill Mountain region, New York; Geologic investigations for sources of large rubble; Relief wells on the Garrison Dam and Snake Creek embankment, North Dakota; Lithology and hydrology of radioactive waste-disposal sites, Savannah River Plant, South Carolina; Engineering geology of the Demirkopru Dam site, Salihli, Turkey.
Lithology and Hydrology of Radioactive Waste-Disposal Sites, Savannah River Plant, South Carolina
Published:January 01, 1964
As at many other locations, the hydrologic, geologic, climatic, and demographic characteristics of the Savannah River Plant do not encourage the disposal of radioactive waste to the environment. Disposal to the ground has been limited to the burial of solid waste and the discharge of very low-level liquid waste to seepage basins. Although solid wastes are subjected to leaching by an annual rainfall of 40 inches, no radionuclides have been detected in ground water from this source. Seepage-basin retention of radionuclides has been less satisfactory, since liquid waste is usually acidic (pH 3-4), and strontium^ is poorly adsorbed on local soil under these conditions. Strontium^ is detectable in sand layers (at concentrations less than the Radioactivity Concentration Guide) as far as 500 feet from the basins. Fission-product tritium, present as water, is not adsorbed and thus serves as a useful ground-water tracer.
The path of radionuclide migration from seepage basins excavated in the Hawthorn Formation (Miocene) is determined by the geology and hydrology of each disposal area. Most of the radionuclide migration has been through sandy strata or sand-filled clastic dikes. Wherever the soils do not contain these imperfections, migration has been slow.
The areal and detailed hydrology, lithology, and structure of waste-disposal areas are presented, with emphasis on those factors that influence the safety of disposal. The migration patterns of radioactive ground water from the seepage basins during the period February through September 1962 is traced by detailed measurements on maps and diagrams.