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Name Named for:
Accomac Canyon (II) and Valley  The Virginia county and county seat of the same name on the Cape Charles Peninsula. 
Argall Hill (III)  Captain Samuel Argall (1580–1626), an English ad-venturer, who went to Virginia in 1609 and ascended the Potomac as far as Potomac Creek in 1610. In 1612 he saved several Englishmen from the Indians by abducting Pocahontas, carrying her to Jamestown, where she not long afterward married John Rolfe. 
Ark Valley (III)  Ship Ark which in company with the Dove left Cowes, Isle of Wight, in charge of Leonard and George Calvert, November 2, 1633 with about 200 persons. The expedition first landed in Virginia and after a short stop proceeded up Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River as far as Piscataway Creek. They later came down the river and founded St. Mary’s City, March 27, 1634. St. Mary was the patron Saint selected by the pilgrims on the Ark and the Dove
Atlantis Canyon (PI. 1)  Ship Atlantis of Institution. the Woods Hole Oceanographic 
Babylon Valley (I)  Town of Babylon, Long Island, New York. This canyon was listed as “Fire Island” by Shepard (1938, p. 441). 
Bache Ridge (III)  Lieutenant George M. Bache, USN. (son of Supt. Bache, USC&GS), who with 10 men was lost in the disaster to the Coast Survey Brig Washington, September 8, 1846. 
Baltimore Spit (II) and Valley  The city of Baltimore under the plan to give the canyons of this region place names suggestive of their relative geographic positions. Named 
Name Named for:
Accomac Canyon (II) and Valley  The Virginia county and county seat of the same name on the Cape Charles Peninsula. 
Argall Hill (III)  Captain Samuel Argall (1580–1626), an English ad-venturer, who went to Virginia in 1609 and ascended the Potomac as far as Potomac Creek in 1610. In 1612 he saved several Englishmen from the Indians by abducting Pocahontas, carrying her to Jamestown, where she not long afterward married John Rolfe. 
Ark Valley (III)  Ship Ark which in company with the Dove left Cowes, Isle of Wight, in charge of Leonard and George Calvert, November 2, 1633 with about 200 persons. The expedition first landed in Virginia and after a short stop proceeded up Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River as far as Piscataway Creek. They later came down the river and founded St. Mary’s City, March 27, 1634. St. Mary was the patron Saint selected by the pilgrims on the Ark and the Dove
Atlantis Canyon (PI. 1)  Ship Atlantis of Institution. the Woods Hole Oceanographic 
Babylon Valley (I)  Town of Babylon, Long Island, New York. This canyon was listed as “Fire Island” by Shepard (1938, p. 441). 
Bache Ridge (III)  Lieutenant George M. Bache, USN. (son of Supt. Bache, USC&GS), who with 10 men was lost in the disaster to the Coast Survey Brig Washington, September 8, 1846. 
Baltimore Spit (II) and Valley  The city of Baltimore under the plan to give the canyons of this region place names suggestive of their relative geographic positions. Named 

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