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The work which is the foundation of this report was begun at the University of Oregon in 1928. The nucleus was a manuscript on the Glide fauna prepared by Bryan Hendon but never published owing to his untimely death while engaged in geologic exploration in Venezuela. In recognition of his work the new species which he recognized and described are credited to him in the present paper. From the autumn of 1929 to July 1935, the problem was carried on at the University of California.

The primary object of this investigation has been to study the stratigraphic succession of the marine Eocene deposits of Western Oregon, to determine the number of recognizable stratigraphic or faunal units, and to place them in their proper position in the Pacific Coast sedimentary sequence by means of the molluscan remains. To this end, sections have been measured and fossils collected at Cape Arago, along the Middle Fork of the Coquille River, along the North Umpqua River in the vicinity of Glide, between the Forks of the Umpqua and Edenbower, at Tyee Mountain, along the Pacific Highway between Boswell Springs and the vicinity of Comstock, and south of Eugene from the vicinity of Coyote Creek to Goshen (Fig. 1). Additional fossil collections have been studied from many other localities.

A secondary object has been to record the molluscan remains and to describe the new forms.


In determining the affinities of the faunas in the different stratigraphic units, two lines . . .

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