This work reports the occurrence of Bastnaesite, Yttro-columbite, and Chevkinite for the first time from Podili alkali pluton, Andhra Pradesh. Podili granite is an A-type Mesoproterozoic alkali granite situated within the Prakasam Alkaline Province (PAP), emplaced within the Neoarchaean Nellore schist belt (NSB) towards its northern part. Petrography, SEM-EDS and Electron Probe Micro Analyser (EPMA) confirm the occurrence of bastnaesite [Ce, La (CO3) F] as discrete euhedral hexagonal crystal forming at the interstitial spaces of plagioclase feldspar at times, indicating its magmatic origin. Yttro-columbite [Y(Fe)Nb2O] occurs as inclusion within the zircon. Chevkinite [(Ce, Nd, Ca)4(Fe)2(Ti, Fe)3Si4O22] appear as euhedral grains disseminated in the feldspar-rich matrix. The presence of bastnaesite, yttro-columbite and chevkinite is responsible for the enrichment of ΣLREE (Max.1645ppm) over ΣHREE (Max.129ppm) in Podili syenite evolved through volatile enriched Podili alkali granite. Enrichment of fluorocarbonate bastnaesite indicates the presence of halogen F- in the melt, which substitutes hydroxyl ion (OH-) and facilitates late-stage REE mineral crystallisation. The halogen-bearing late-stage injection of CO2-rich melt affected the initial volatile enriched host alkali granite that evolved the granite and enriched the pluton with the LREE-dominated fluorocarbonate with significant REE mineral precipitation due to fluid-rock interactions.

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