Proceedings of XXIII Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy and International Symposium on Global Bioevents in Earth’s History
Micropalaeontological response to mid–late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: 50th Anniversary Tribute to the Pioneering Work of R.P.S. Jefferies
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Published:January 01, 2013
M. B. Hart, 2013. "Micropalaeontological response to mid–late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: 50th Anniversary Tribute to the Pioneering Work of R.P.S. Jefferies", Proceedings of XXIII Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy and International Symposium on Global Bioevents in Earth’s History, N. Malarkodi, Gerta Keller, A. N. Reddy, B.C. Jaiprakash
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Abstract :
In the early 1960s, R.P.S. Jefferies conducted an investigation of the microfossils found in the Actinocamax plenus Marls of Southern England. This was the first investigation of its kind, using closely-spaced samples and providing a detailed analysis of a relatively short interval of geological time. The Plenus Marls Member, as it is now known, is the on-shore representation of Oceanic Anoxic Event ll (=Bonarelli Event or Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event [CTBE]). Jefferies’ detailed analysis of the changes over this major extinction event in Earth history has provided the foundation for much later research. Anoxic events – including the CTBE – characterise the mid-Late Cretaceous interval and all are associated with stable isotope excursions, geochemical changes and distinctive patterns of both extinction and appearance of various taxa. Some of these (e.g., calcareous dinoflagellates, radiolaria) are now regarded as ‘disaster taxa’ and their appearance, in variable numbers, from a range of locations can be used to inform judgements about the nature of these events.
- anaerobic environment
- assemblages
- Cenomanian
- communities
- Cretaceous
- Dinoflagellata
- England
- Europe
- Foraminifera
- Great Britain
- Invertebrata
- lower Turonian
- marine environment
- Mesozoic
- microfossils
- OAE 2
- oceanic anoxic events
- paleoecology
- paleoenvironment
- palynomorphs
- Protista
- Radiolaria
- stratigraphic boundary
- Turonian
- United Kingdom
- upper Cenomanian
- Upper Cretaceous
- Western Europe
- Plenus Marls Member