Proceedings of XXIII Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy and International Symposium on Global Bioevents in Earth’s History
Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of the Naredi Formation, Kutch Basin, India
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Published:January 01, 2013
Danish Anwar, A.K. Choudhary, P.K. Saraswati, 2013. "Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of the Naredi Formation, Kutch Basin, India", Proceedings of XXIII Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy and International Symposium on Global Bioevents in Earth’s History, N. Malarkodi, Gerta Keller, A. N. Reddy, B.C. Jaiprakash
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The Naredi Formation records the first marine transgression of the Cenozoic era in Kutch. Its age has remained equivocal and various workers have assigned different ages ranging from Late Palaeocene to Early and Middle Eocene. In this study we carried out strontium isotopic analysis of the foraminiferal shells of the Naredi Formation to determine its numerical age in order to resolve this controversy. The measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios, lying between 0.707727 and 0.707816, have been compared with the standard strontium isotope variation curve for the Cenozoic. Biostratigraphically, the formation ranges from shallow benthic zone SBZ 6 to SBZ 11 corresponding to planktonic foraminiferal zones P5 to P9 (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998). The biostratigraphically constrained Sr isotopic values indicate that the Naredi Formation is of Early Eocene age spanning from 50 to 55Ma.
- alkaline earth metals
- Asia
- biostratigraphy
- biozones
- Cenozoic
- chemostratigraphy
- electron microscopy data
- Eocene
- Foraminifera
- Gujarat India
- India
- Indian Peninsula
- Invertebrata
- isotope ratios
- isotopes
- Kutch India
- lithostratigraphy
- lower Eocene
- metals
- microfossils
- morphology
- Nummulites
- Nummulitidae
- Paleogene
- Protista
- Rotaliacea
- Rotaliina
- SEM data
- Sr-87/Sr-86
- stable isotopes
- strontium
- Tertiary
- tests
- Kutch Basin
- Naredi Formation
- Naredi India