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GeoRef Subject
all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
East Africa
Ethiopia (1)
Kenya (1)
Tanzania (2)
Mozambique Belt (1)
Transantarctic Mountains (1)
Altai-Sayan region (1)
Baikal rift zone (1)
Far East
Altyn Tagh Fault (1)
South China Block (1)
Xizang China (1)
Korea (1)
Indian Peninsula
Deccan Plateau (1)
Gujarat India
Saurashtra (1)
Madhya Pradesh India (1)
Jammu and Kashmir
Ladakh (1)
Indus River (1)
Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone (1)
Siberian Platform (2)
Coast Ranges (1)
Commonwealth of Independent States
Russian Federation
Baikal rift zone (1)
Siberian Platform (2)
Eurasia (1)
North America (1)
Pacific Ocean
North Pacific
Aleutian Trench (1)
Northwest Pacific
Japan Sea (1)
Kuril Trench (1)
West Pacific
Northwest Pacific
Japan Sea (1)
Kuril Trench (1)
Peninsular Ranges (1)
Sierra Nevada (1)
South America
Brazil (1)
United States
Southern California (1)
Transverse Ranges (1)
elements, isotopes
carbon (1)
hydrogen (2)
ferric iron (2)
oxygen (2)
silicon (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
garnet peridotite (1)
spinel peridotite (1)
pyroxenite (1)
volcanic rocks
mid-ocean ridge basalts (1)
ophiolite (1)
pyrolite (4)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
eclogite (2)
ophiolite (1)
carbonates (1)
minerals (2)
native elements
diamond (1)
graphite (1)
iron oxides (1)
magnetite (1)
periclase (1)
titanium oxides (1)
chain silicates
pyroxene group
diopside (1)
orthopyroxene (1)
framework silicates
silica minerals
stishovite (1)
garnet group
majorite (1)
pyrope (1)
olivine group
fayalite (1)
forsterite (2)
olivine (9)
ringwoodite (5)
wadsleyite (11)
Primary terms
East Africa
Ethiopia (1)
Kenya (1)
Tanzania (2)
Mozambique Belt (1)
Transantarctic Mountains (1)
Altai-Sayan region (1)
Baikal rift zone (1)
Far East
Altyn Tagh Fault (1)
South China Block (1)
Xizang China (1)
Korea (1)
Indian Peninsula
Deccan Plateau (1)
Gujarat India
Saurashtra (1)
Madhya Pradesh India (1)
Jammu and Kashmir
Ladakh (1)
Indus River (1)
Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone (1)
Siberian Platform (2)
carbon (1)
catalogs (1)
core (1)
crust (4)
crystal chemistry (1)
crystal structure (1)
data processing (2)
deformation (2)
earthquakes (5)
Eurasia (1)
explosions (1)
faults (1)
geophysical methods (7)
ground water (1)
heat flow (2)
hydrogen (2)
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
garnet peridotite (1)
spinel peridotite (1)
pyroxenite (1)
volcanic rocks
mid-ocean ridge basalts (1)
inclusions (1)
magmas (1)
mantle (33)
ferric iron (2)
metamorphic rocks
eclogite (2)
minerals (2)
Mohorovicic discontinuity (3)
North America (1)
ocean floors (1)
oxygen (2)
Pacific Ocean
North Pacific
Aleutian Trench (1)
Northwest Pacific
Japan Sea (1)
Kuril Trench (1)
West Pacific
Northwest Pacific
Japan Sea (1)
Kuril Trench (1)
phase equilibria (5)
plate tectonics (6)
silicon (1)
South America
Brazil (1)
springs (1)
thermal waters (1)
United States
Southern California (1)
Transverse Ranges (1)
rock formations
Deccan Traps (1)
410-km discontinuity
In-situ study of microstructures induced by the olivine to wadsleyite transformation at conditions of the 410 km depth discontinuity
Stagnation and tearing of the subducting northwest Pacific slab
ABSTRACT The southeast Ladakh (India) area displays one of the best-preserved ophiolite sections in this planet, in places up to 10 km thick, along the southern bank of the Indus River. Recently, in situ, ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) mineralogical evidence from the mantle transition zone (MTZ; ~410–660 km) with diamond and reduced fluids were discovered from two peridotite bodies in the basal mantle part of this Indus ophiolite. Ultrahigh-pressure phases were also found by early workers from podiform chromitites of another coeval Neo-Tethyan ophiolite in southern Tibet. However, the MTZ phases in the Indus ophiolite are found in silicate peridotites, but not in metallic chromitites, and the peridotitic UHP phases show systematic and contiguous phase transitions from the MTZ to shallower depth, unlike the discrete UHP inclusions, all in Tibetan chromitites. We observe consistent change in oxygen fugacity ( f O 2 ) and fluid composition from (C-H + H 2 ) to (CO 2 + H 2 O) in the upwelling peridotitic mantle, causing melting to produce mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB). At shallow depths (<100 km) the free water stabilizes into hydrous phases, such as pargasitic amphibole, capable of storing water and preventing melting. Our discoveries provide unique insights into deep sub-oceanic-mantle processes, and link deep-mantle upwelling and MORB genesis. Moreover, the tectonic setting of Neo-Tethyan ophiolites has been a difficult problem since the birth of the plate-tectonics concept. This problem for the origin of ophiolites in mid-ocean-ridge versus supra-subduction zone settings clearly confused the findings from Indus ophiolites. However, in this contribution, we provide arguments in favor of mid-ocean-ridge origin for Indus ophiolite. In addition, we venture to revisit the “historical contingency” model of E.M. Moores and others for Neo-Tethyan ophiolite genesis based on the available evidence and have found that our new results strongly support the “historical contingency” model.
FastTrip: A Fast MPI‐Accelerated 1D Triplication Waveform Inversion Package for Constraining Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities
Prominent thermal anomalies in the mantle transition zone beneath the Transantarctic Mountains
Elasticity of single-crystal Fe-enriched diopside at high-pressure conditions: Implications for the origin of upper mantle low-velocity zones
Foundered lithospheric segments dropped into the mantle transition zone beneath southern California, USA
Transition metals in the transition zone: Crystal chemistry of minor element substitution in wadsleyite
Modeling dislocation glide and lattice friction in Mg 2 SiO 4 wadsleyite in conditions of the Earth’s transition zone
(FeH) 1−x Ti x O 2 : A new water carrier to the mantle transition zone
Elastic wave velocities in polycrystalline Mg 3 Al 2 Si 3 O 12 -pyrope garnet to 24 GPa and 1300 K
Quantification of water in majoritic garnet
Lateral Variations of the Mantle Transition Zone Structure beneath Eastern China
Tetrahedral ferric iron in oxidized hydrous wadsleyite
Imprints of volcanism in the upper mantle beneath the NW Deccan volcanic province
The Crustal and Upper-Mantle Structures beneath the Northeastern Margin of Tibet
Rheological properties of the upper mantle of Northern Eurasia and nature of regional boundaries according to the data of long-range seismic profiles
The upper-mantle low-velocity anomaly beneath Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania: Constraints on the origin of the African superswell in eastern Africa and plate versus plume models of mantle dynamics
To further advance our understanding of the way in which a portion of the African superswell in eastern Africa formed, and also to draw attention to the importance of eastern Africa for the plume versus plate debate about mantle dynamics, upper-mantle structure beneath eastern Africa is reviewed by synthesizing published results from three types of analyses applied to broadband seismic data recorded in Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia. (1) Joint inversions of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion measurements show that the lithospheric mantle of the Ethiopian Plateau has been significantly perturbed, much more so than the lithospheric mantle of the East African Plateau. (2) Body wave tomography reveals a broad (≥300 km wide) and deep (≥400 km) low-velocity anomaly beneath the Ethiopian Plateau and the eastern branch of the rift system in Kenya and Tanzania. (3) Receiver function stacks showing Ps conversions from the 410 km discontinuity beneath the eastern branch in Kenya and Tanzania reveal that this discontinuity is depressed by 20–40 km in the same location as the low-velocity anomaly. The coincidence of the depressed 410 km discontinuity and the low-velocity anomaly indicates that the low-velocity anomaly is caused primarily by temperatures several hundred degrees higher than ambient mantle temperatures. These findings cannot be explained easily by models invoking a plume head and tail, unless there are a sufficient number of plume tails presently under eastern Africa side-by-side to create a broad and deep thermal structure. These findings also cannot be easily explained by the plate model. In contrast, the breadth and depth of the upper-mantle thermal structure can be explained by the African superplume, which in some tomographic models extends into the upper mantle beneath eastern Africa. Consequently, a superplume origin for the anomalous topography of the African superswell in eastern Africa, in addition to the Cenozoic rifting and volcanism found there, is favored.